Asset Catalogue

Curation Philosophy

While many principles exist towards the development of strong wealth-building habits, Dhan's focus is on sustainable investment research and innovation advises the following four asset behaviors to be the most fundamental and powerful:  increase income, decrease expenses, secure assets, prune liabilities.

Our platform displays Asset Tokens that our partner operational firms offer in certain specific sectoral businesses that our Analyst Teams have carefully chosen to execute and enable wealth-building principles in safeguarding, managing and growing your wealth assets. Should you seek investment guidance, we will be glad to refer you to our associate firm - Masala Capital, that will be able to assess your investment needs and suitability and suggest/recommend asset portfolio that helps you build Wealth progressively following the above wealth management principles that we imbibe into each of our investor client.  

Please do kindly reach out to us if you need any further information to evaluate the assets we presented in our curated selection.  You may phone or email to the contact number / email listed and one of our/our partner firm's representatives will be able to discuss this further with a no-fee initial assessment.


My Rice Farm

Launch Date: July 19, 2023

My Plane Seats

Launch Date: July 19, 2023

My Gold

Launch Date: July 19, 2023

My Madira

Launch Date: July 19, 2023


We welcome feedback from our customer community regarding our existing products, so we can provide for improved customer experience.